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May 18, 2020 4 min read

Dolkii - Wahine Sticker
In April, for the first time EVER, we released our Wahine Stickers for sale in packs of 5! 100% of the profits from these sales went directly to support the Women's Fund of Hawai'i Covid-19 Emergency Fund (C19EF). With support from you all, Dolkii was able to donate a total of $1,422 directly to this fund. Along with generous donations from the community, WFH's fund totaled more than $17,000!

In early May, Women's Fund of Hawai'i allocated the first emergency grants for the following purposes and to the following organizations:
Domestic Violence Action Center
As a result of the pandemic and stay-at-home orders, more domestic violence survivors and their children are trapped in their homes with their abusers. Hits to the Domestic Violence Action Center’s (DVAC) website have increased by 77%, and calls to their helpline have increased by 68% since February. WFH gave a $3000 grant to help DVAC compensate for the delay, diversion, or reduction in other funding as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic and continue their critical services now when they are needed more than ever.
Family Promise of Hawai'i
WFH partnered with Family Promise in the past on programs that helped single mothers and their children experiencing homelessness to get housing. The current pandemic puts those same women and their families—and too many others—at risk of losing their housing due to being laid off from work or an inability to work because they must care for their children under stay at home orders. WFH contributed $3000 from their Emergency Fund to Family Promise’s rental assistance program.
Hawai'i Diaper Bank
Prior to this pandemic, over 4400 children aged 0-5 already lived in poverty on Hawaii island. Hawaii county has the state’s highest poverty rate, and too many households (40% nationwide) lack a basic personal safety net to get them through a crisis like this one. As a result, more people qualify now to receive diapers and wipes from Hawaii Diaper Bank than before. Providing one’s child with clean diapers is a matter of public health and dignity. WFH donated $1000 to assist in the purchase of diapers and wipes (from a discounted supplier) to be distributed in the community.
Women in Need Hawai'i
In addition to their current mission and services, Women In Need (WIN) is currently providing temporary rental assistance assistance to previously incarcerated women who have been furloughed, laid off, or had their hours reduced due to Covid-19. WFH contributed $3000 from its Emergency Fund to help. Monies will also be used to purchase hygienic supplies such as cleaners and PPE for WIN’s residential locations for previously incarcerated women and their children.
Oʻahu Resource Conservation & Development Council

WFH is proud to provide $3000 in emergency funds toO‘ahu Resource Conservation & Development Council for a mini-grant program to support Hawai‘i’s women-owned and operated farms, ranches, and agri-businesses. Because of the pandemic, many farmers have had to respond rapidly to the increased demand for local food and have not had the time or funds to purchase and set up critical items to help them expand and transition their businesses. WFH enthusiastically supports their mission to foster women in agriculture across the state of Hawai‘i.

Aloha Diaper BankMany newly unemployed families are discovering that Federal and State subsidies do not allow for the purchase of diapers, wipes, or rash ointment for their infants and toddlers. Meanwhile, theAloha Diaper Bank is experiencing an increase in demand for these items from the community during this time of crisis. The Aloha Diaper Bank is a purely volunteer organization and is dependent on dollar and diaper & wipe donations. One of their goals is to keep Hawai‘i’s babies clean, dry, and healthy. WFH’s $500 emergency contribution will be used to purchase diapers and wipes for low-income, homeless, and families affected by COVID-19 who are in need of these supplies for their children ages 0-4 years. 

Malama Family Recovery Center

Programs atMalama Na Makua A Keiki (Malama Family Recovery Center) support pregnant and parenting women who are struggling with addiction. The women and their children live in Malama Family Recovery Center’s treatment and sober living homes as they work toward recovery. Many of the residents of the substance abuse treatment facility held jobs prior to the pandemic and have lost them, and many of them are not eligible for unemployment due to limited past work history and/or their past drug use/abuse. WFH’s $3000 Emergency Fund grant will help cover program fees and other expenses for women trying to improve their lives and those of their keiki.

Mahalo again to all of you who purchased stickers or who have contributed directly to C19EF. While Dolkii has no plans on making masks, we will continue to give back to our local community thru other means. Our partnership with WFH is so important to us, and now more than ever women, girls & families statewide need our support in so many different areas. 

Women's Fund of Hawai'iis continuing to accept both donations and C19EF applications until funds are exhausted. For more information please visit their website here.

And an extra huge mahalo as well to the people and organizations on the frontlines of this crisis. We stand with you!

Click here to shop our WAHINE STICKER PACKS and support Women's Fund of Hawai'i COVID-19 Relief efforts, here are a few of our sticker products!
Dolkii Hawai'i Wahine Sticker Packs

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